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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Facebook Fireworks over Council Candidates

This is taken directly from the Facebook page of a popular radio host. This is an exchange between to of the shows listeners. One, a former Detroit City Council Candidate, the other just your average Detroiter.

Jai-Lee Dearing has been caught is a lie three times so far since winning the primary.

Lie one: Nude Girly ads on his campaign flyers (He had nothing to do this however.)

Lie Two: Placing people who endorsed him on his campaign flyers. The only problem is, these people did not endorse Mr. Dearing (He had nothing to do with this however.).

And Lie Three: Being in two places at one time, read on (He had nothing to do with this however.).

Walt: Please ask the candidates who they voted for during the Kilpatrick vs. Gill Hill & Kilpatrick vs. Freman Hendrix Mayoral races. If they voted for former Mayor Kilpatrick, what were their reasons for voting for him during that specific election (please specify which election their reasoning is coming from).

12 hours ago Angie: Raphael, is sounding a bit tooooo animated for me. I can get with passion but animation is a concern for me because animation is NOT going to solve problems in this city. And animation is already on Council, we don't need anymore situation comedians on Clownsil. I have asked all year, can we please take the Clown out of the Clownsil.

11 hours ago Walt:
Let's be respectful of all the City Council Candidates. lol
Shame on you, Angie!

11 hours ago Angie: Ok Walt, you smacked my hands and I accept. But yeesh!

11 hours ago Walt: Wow! Jai Lee Dearing won't get my vote. If he won't tell me his voting history, then he is not worthy of my vote.

11 hours ago Angie: See already doing the two-step

11 hours ago Walt: At least James Tate & Raphael had the courage to answer the questions.

11 hours ago Walt: So much for transparency with Mr. Dearing.

11 hours ago Walt: I understand James Tate voting for Mayor Kilpatrick, he had a position with him. I even understand Raphael voting for Mayor Kilpatrick...they both went to Cass. (I went to Cass & I have never voted for Mayor Kilpatrick). Sorry Angelo, this is not for the air. This is just my reaction to their responses.

11 hours ago Walt: I was on the fence with Jai Lee Dearing & this helped me. He's out of my 9.

11 hours ago Angie: Tell Mr. Dearing to look at the DC model which has council by Ward. But you also have Ward Commissioners/Presidents, so you are not working alone.

11 hours ago Angie: How is Jai-Lee going to do a Freep chat at Noon? Or is someone going to fake it on his behalf?

11 hours ago Angie: Interesting, Jai Lee is already answering questions on the Freep chat simultaneously while in studio at WCHB. This man is a magician!

11 hours ago Angie: From Freep Chat: [Comment From Sophie]

Mr. Dearing, how are you here and on the radio at the same time? Jai-Lee Dearing: Sophie, that's a good question.

Then the so-called Jai-Lee Dearing moves on to next question. FRAUD ALERT!

11 hours ago Walt: Angelo, being the President of a community association, I would like to know what their presence will be at community meetings, if elected.

11 hours ago Walt: Angelo, thanks for putting these 3 on @ the same time. This cleared everything up for me. Can't wait till tommorow.

10 hours ago Walt: I'm voting for James Tate!

There you have it straight from page. What do you think?
Walt: a former candidate is deciding his vote on the basis of who voted for whom.
Angie: Telling on Jai-Lee Dearing on the air. Two places at once, David Copperfield, eat your heart out.

If it wasn’t true, I wouldn’t believe it.

You get what you VOTE for. Vote Detroit.

Council by Districts not on ballot?

Too long for Facebook so it is posted here.

Districts may not be on the ballot after all, because of poorly written language. Do you want Council by Districts, if so, then Vet the candidates for Charter Commission not City Council. These are the people who are going to rewrite the charter, not council candidates. I get tried of people asking council candidates this question when they have no say so in the matter, AT ALL as council candidates. Ask the right people the right questions and you will get the right answers! Ask the wrong people these same questions, and they will dazzle you with B.S. each and every time. Don't be fooled, become aware.

You get what you VOTE for.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In response to: DETROIT: BUDGET CUTS NECESSARY by Daniel Miller. Link to story above.

I don’t know where to start, so I will just start with “his own residence” remark. First of all, Mayor Bing doesn’t own anything in the city of Detroit, he rents the apartment. He also still owns his ‘real’ home in Franklin MI. Also, since we have to pay for the mansion whether Dave Bing lives in it or not is now a waste of money.
Dave Bing is taking a salary, he is just giving to the general fund, but rest assured, we are still paying him a salary. What he does with it after that is his business.
30% of Detroit households don’t a car, that’s 30% of Detroiters that need the bus all the time. You do not take the bus, I do. I know what people go thought when they have to wait an hour for a bus. Do you? No bus service is not what this city needs, cut down on the bus routes, but do not eliminate them, as with his first proposal.
I suggest we have Sunday bus service on both Saturday and Sunday.
I suggest we raise the fair by $0.25 to generate more revenue from the bus service.
I suggest we have longer wait times on certain routes I.E. Instead of a 30 minute wait for a bus, we have a 40 minute wait. In this way, we can cut only one job from a route instead of 2 or 3.
Look into the numbers and try to find other ways to save Detroit money. Don’t just say “Let’s do this and not that.” Give us why, and how to fix it. How will these cuts affect others? Mayor Bing’s first proposal was to eliminate bus service completely from 6 P.M. Saturday evening to early Monday morning. That is a long time with no public transportation at all. We can’t, as a city, do that to our citizens.
I agree that cuts should start from the top, but do they really? As I said before, Mayor Bing is still drawing a salary he is just giving it away. Furthermore, Bing has appointed more people than any Mayor before him, all with six figure salaries in a debt filled Detroit budget. I call for the Mayor, City Council, and City Clerk to take a 30% reduction in salary, lead by example. None of them are willing to do this. None of them are willing to give up perks, save one. Cuts should start at the top, but no one from the top is taking your advice.
Now I propose something to you. How would you handle Detroit’s debt? How would you handle the bus cuts? Would you willingly go into receivership to save the city? I look forward to hearing your answers.

Herbie Felton
Concerned citizen

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

52 Suspensions

Police: Man Has 52 Suspensions
Man Pulled Over In Ferndale For An Improper License Plate

FERNDALE, Mich. -- Ferndale police said they arrested a man Monday who had 52 current license suspensions and 18 warrants.
Police said 31-year-old Ahmed Adbul Malik, of Detroit, was pulled over on Eight Mile Road near Westend Avenue in Ferndale for driving a 1984 Chevy vehicle with an improper license plate.
Malik was arrested and his car impounded after officers discovered his history.
Police said Malik's mother, who is the owner of the car, and a 16-year-old boy were in the car at the time of Malik's arrest.
Malik's arraignment was set for Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

James Tate Open House

James Tate is having an open house at his campaign HQ.

When: Saturday, September 5th 2009

Where: City Cab 1401 Michigan Ave. (on corner of 8th)

Time: 2pm – 5pm.

Come one, come all, and tell your friends. This is an awesome opportunity to meet a great city council candidate an ask the tough questions. If you like what you hear, lend your support to this candidate by volunteering and/or contributing to his campaign. I hope to see you all there. Food and beverages will be served.

Remember to VOTE on November 3rd 2009.