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Thursday, July 30, 2009

What one can buy.

Just got back from the NAACP meet the Candidates Fair tonight at the Northwest Activity Center, and once again I took the world by storm. I had one minute to make a speech, and I made the most of it.

I don’t like it when candidates pay for endorsements; this to me is a bribe plain and simple. We are the candidate you are supposed to pay us, not the other way around. I let everyone know how I feel about candidates buying their way into office. This is an unfair practice that has to stop, and it has with me.

If I had sued the city for $3 Million, I would pay for endorsements.

If I had quit a $200,000 a year job, I would pay for endorsements.

If I were one of the lucky candidates who got a piece of $300,000, I would most definitely pay for endorsements. But I didn’t, and wouldn’t if I had.

I understand that the money the slates get is to offset the cost of printing and other things, so I don’t blame them at all. I encourage their input into the political process. I applaud their efforts in keeping the public informed, this is not a stab at them, it is a stab at the candidates for their ‘Pay to play’ politics before they even get into office.

I ran a grass roots campaign from the very beginning, in November when MOST other candidates were only dreaming running for office. I was one of the first twenty or so candidates, now there are 167. The top ten or so are buying their way into office, will they do the same in office?

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