We heard both sides of the story Fanchon Stinger the successful, beautiful former anchor woman at Fox 2 Detroit. Rayford Jackson, the successful business man who wanted to bring Detroit back though development. We heard both sides of this terrific story, now it is time for the truth. What is the truth.
Was R. Jackson the woman beater that F. Stinger makes him out to be? Was F. Stinger a home wreaker and personal bank to R. Jackson? Only those two know the answers to these questions in earnest.
I have some questions that I would like answered. Why was F. Stinger fired from her job just by the mere mention of her name on a news report by fellow employee Scott Lewis? Why is on one going after this convicted felon who cheated on his wife and 4 children?

R. Jackson will say nothing to the F.B.I., not ever to reduce his sentence, but when F. Stinger opens her mouth he is ready to talk. He called FOX 2 to tell his story, Fox 2 didn’t call him. Most people in Detroit is on this mans side, but he is the one who bribed a city council person. He is the one that is going to the penitentiary for 5 years, not Fanchon Stinger. Ms. Stinger is being painted as a lair (which she could very be a lair.) about being abused. He could have abused her but she didn’t have a black eye, she showed up for work everyday looking beautiful as ever. So who do we believe?
Do we believe the convicted felon, or do we believe the pretty face. I’ll leave that judgment up to you. They are both lying and both are telling the truth, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
P.S. Answer me this.
Why is Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty any different than Rayford Jackson and Fanchon Stinger? Both men cheated on their wives and four children, if anything I have more respect for K.K. because he is still married and admits that he still cares for Christine. Rayford threw Fanchon under the bus in his FOX 2 interview. Women, in general, felt more compassion for Christine than they do for Fanchon. When it came to Christine, women said “A women will do anything for love, she fell in love with Kwame.” When it comes to Fanchon, “She is a lying h%$ who is trying to play the sympathy card.” You can’t it both ways, they are either home wreakers or they are both victims. Which is it? There is more to this story than we know, than will we ever know? I say we should threw them all under the bus.
It's liar not lair* among other grammatical errors. Please hire an editor...
ReplyDeleteFranchon seemed to come from different stock than Beatty. She had the pedigree, she built her career in one of the toughest industries for women especially black women. In short, she knew better. No one ever heard of Beatty before Kwame. Franchon was a role model. Unfortunately, lie down with dogs wake up with fleas. If she wanted a pardon she should have been working for BET N
ews not Fox.