The mistrial of Sam Riddle’s case is not the end of this saga, nor should it be. The government will retry this case, as they should until we reach a verdict. I’m talking about civil liberties and how they apply to ‘some’ of us, and not ‘all’ of us.
I recall early in this trail that Judge Avern Cohn told Sam Riddle not to Twitter or Facebook (at least about the case) and Sam stood his ground and stood on the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States saying ‘If I can’t Twitter and Facebook than what’s next?” I agreed with Sam on issue, but what about the jury? Can they Facebook, can they Twitter, can they talk to the media and give them inside information? I think not! Double standard for everyone except the accused. A juror is not suppose to asked any questions during the trial (let along Facebook), but has this practice been put into use during this trial? I say not.
The lone juror
has had the spotlight shine on her like a beacon in the midnight sky shining like the Sun, but has the truth come out. Only by me and one other (a Facebook friend), all other media has put this story on the back burner and there it will stay unless people like me start telling people like you. People who want to know the truth about the double standard we have to live with. The two sets of rules we live by. These are the messages that were sent out by Jury Foreman Matt Lefevre on Facebook.

Matt Lefevre: "day 4 of jury duty hell tom at 8am downtown detroit." 1/12/10 at 10:15pm
Matt Lefevre: "dear jury duty staff i just wanted to tell u how much i hate you for wasting my time by making me wake u...p at 6am everyday to drive in god awful traffic down to our lovely city of detroit and then sit here and stare at the wall for hours and hours and then send me home."
Jury Foreman Matt Lefevre on Facebook: "The system failed today, I will say 11 of us gave it our all for over a month and its a sad day that justice was not served." Minutes after the verdict.
Does this sound like justice? The judge and media came down hard on Sam Riddle for his Facebook and Twitter, but not Matt Lefevre. He can Facebook, talk to ‘God knows who’ about whatever comes to his hard head. Jury tampering has been spoke of but aimed at the wrong person. Don’t point your finger at Angela Woods, point your middle finger at Matt Lefevre, the jury tamping king. (Yeah I said it, so what.) Let the facts come out and the chips fall where they may.
My two Cents, and wroth every penny.
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