Filing Shows Huge War Chest for last 2 Weeks
Oakland County – Mike Bouchard, Republican candidate for governor, today filed his latest finance report for 2010 showing he raised a total of $1,002,002 since January 1st and has $846,000 in the campaign's bank account for paid media efforts in the final days of the race. Bouchard’s finance report show donations from thousands of donors across the state, public matching funds and many leading Republicans. "
The amount of personal and financial support I have received from voters statewide is further evidence my message of more jobs and less government is resonating," said Bouchard. "People are extremely frustrated with the current status quo in Lansing and they are looking for change. Their willingness to donate their hard-earned dollars when our state faces such a dire economic condition so we can get Michigan back on track is a testament to the vision of my campaign. I appreciate their confidence and am ready to take on the difficult tasks as Michigan’s next governor. I will be a decisive leader, ready to lead from Day One."
These aggressive financial numbers come on the heels of several strong weeks where Bouchard has gained incredible momentum by taking a decisive stand on making Michigan a Right to Work State and internal polling numbers showing him in the lead.
Bouchard added "Our plan has always been to build our grassroots support and save our money for the end. Our strong fundraising numbers and our great supports on the ground have put us in a great place to win on Election Day."
To promote transparency, Bouchard encouraged interested voters to view his complete campaign finance filing on the Department of State’s Web site at www.Michigan.gov/sos.
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