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Monday, September 6, 2010

Herbie Felton for Charter Commission

Detroit- Please support me as I try to fill the vacancy of Detroit Charter Revision Commissioner Freman Hendrix. I feel that most of the commission has already made their choice which makes the process of seeking a new member unfair. I am asking for your support so that I, and other applicants, can have a ‘chance’ at that process. I don’t feel that just because you were in the race the first time and finish just below the top 9 that you should be a ‘shoe-in’ as a replacement. If we did that with every office, than Freman Hendrix would have been Mayor when Kwame Kilpatrick resigned, but that did not happen. Instead the city held a special election to vote for a new Mayor. All I ask is that all applicants be given an even chance. Come to the meeting this Tuesday at 6pm at the Northwest Activity Center and support all of the applicants.

This is my letter to the comission.

Letter of Interest for the now vacant position on the Charter Commission.

Dear Detroit Charter Revision Commission Personnel Committee:

I respectfully request that my name be considered for the vacant position left by Chairperson Freman Hendrix of the 2009 Detroit Charter Revision Commission. I look forward to working with the Commission; just as I have in the past and will in the future. I believe Detroit is moving forward and I want to ensure that the future of this great city is lead by a dedication and a charter that will lead it into the next 20 years and beyond. I feel it imperative that we get the charter right and to the people as quickly and efficiently as possible. This once in a 20 year opportunity should not be looked at as a forced undertaking mandated by charter rules; but as a golden opportunity to ‘right’ what is wrong with our current charter.

I believe I’m uniquely qualified for this position with my years of services, love of the city, and my commitment to the citizens of Detroit. I am a resident of the city, a registered voter, and a newly elected precinct delegate. This and many other attributes make me a very wise choice for the Charter Commission.

The entire document does not need to be rewritten. Key language should be written into the charter to ensure the citizens trust in their elected officials. Clear language should be added so that elected officials are held accountable for their actions when they break the public’s trust. Make no mistake about it; we are here now, 4 years early because of this very issue. This issue should be addressed before other charter business can be addressed and written into the document so that it can be presented to the Governor for endorsement and be placed on the ballot for the citizen approval.

This is my commitment to the Charter Commission. This is my commitment to the people of Detroit. This is my commitment to all.


Herbie Felton
Concerned and Involved Citizen

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