Dear Friend,
Tonight Virg scored a major victory and captured the momentum in the governor's race during the first and only scheduled gubernatorial debate. Virg won by demonstrating his concrete jobs plan while exposing his opponent’s record of offshoring and outsourcing American jobs. After tonight, it's easy to see why Rick Snyder would only agree to one debate against Virg!During the debate, Bernero revealed that Snyder companies beyond Gateway created jobs in China – one as recently as July. Discera, a hi-tech company Snyder founded and funded through his venture capital firm, opened a new state-of-the-art facility in China in July 2010. Discera officials have said that through technology sharing and funding researching and development in China, their business is helping Chinese businesses gain a technological edge against U.S. companies! In fact, in a Discera news release announcing the company’s new facility, the company’s own Chief Technology Officer actually said:
“Discera is helping Chinese businesses compete and win in the global marketplace.” This is even worse than outsourcing--Snyder is actually helping Chinese companies compete against our businesses! (the proof can be found at http://www.votevirg.com/).Virg illustrated his pro-business, job creating record which includes: more than a half-billion dollars in new investments by Lansing’s entrepreneurs and small businesses, leading to 6,000 jobs for mid-Michigan, and balanced budgets every year with no tax increases. Bernero said he will do for Michigan what he did for Lansing.Join the Virg Surge today by visiting http://www.votevirg.com/ to make a donation, or sign up to volunteer. Together we will put Michigan back to work!
The Virg Bernero for Michigan Team
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