Jerroll Sanders (Write-in Candidate)

City Clerk
None at this time, this may change.
City Council
James Tate
Lisa Howze
David Cross
Mohamed Okdie
Charter Commission
Johathan Kinloch
Tonya Myers-Phillips
Jenice Mitchell Ford
Ken L. Harris
Patty Fedewa
Board of Education At Large
Deborah E. Davis
Marie Thornton
Vote NO on Proposal S.
Vote Yes on Proposal D.
Jerroll Sanders: I support Jerroll Sanders 100% as a write-in candidate, but she could have been more vocal in the primary.
· Job One—Creating A Safe Detroit.
· A Promise to Deliver World Class Education to Detroit's Children.
· A Real Plan for Reducing Automobile and Homeowner Insurance. One rate for one state plan.
City Clerk
None at this time, this may change.

City Council
James Tate: I support him 100% because his principals are similar to mine. Any endorsements he receives he has gotten the old fashion way, he earned them. "The only way for our community to have a considerable crime reduction, better schools and thriving neighborhoods is by making an extensive investment in the well being of our youth."
· Combat neighborhood blight
· Re-involve citizens through block clubs and community organizations
· Expand funding for senior citizen programs
· Inspire youth leadership
· Workforce development

Lisa Howze: Not because she is the only C.P.A. in the group, her ideals are fresh and worth a try. Her mission is ‘to improve the quality of life for all citizens of the city of Detroit and its stakeholders.’
David Cross: He is a long shot but very capable of taking a seat on council and doing very well in that position. He is for rebuilding Detroit, not just tearing down vacant homes but re-building our neighborhoods, I echo this strongly. What Are We Waiting For?
Mohamed Okdie: I believe he would be a stronger candidate in four years, hasn’t made his mark in this election cycle.
Plans for Economic Development: “In order to stimulate Economic Growth and Development, we must first provide a stable environment that encourages businesses to invest and create new jobs.”
Charter Commission
Johathan Kinloch: This man believes in a lot of the same things I do, term limits being one of them. "If districts are created the office of mayor and city council's role will have to change. The charter will have to allow for the city council members to have a well defined role in the general administrative supervision in the delivery of city services, programs, planning and development matters within their elected districts."

Tonya Myers-Phillips: Term limits are also on this very capable woman’s mind but this is not all she has to offer. A life long Detroiter Ms. Phillips, “Will fight for revisions that hold elected officials accountable, elect city council by district, strengthen citizen district councils, and have a more equitable sharing of power between the executive and legislative branches of government.”
Jenice Mitchell Ford: “Get on board with Ford.”
Ken L. Harris:
· Explore Council by districts
· Investigate term limits for city elected officials
· Examine confirmation process of appointees and contracts
· Review checks and balances between Mayor and City Co8unccil
· Strengthen ethical guidelines & ethics board.
Patty Fedewa: Not a believer in terms limits, but I support and believe in most of what she stand for and believe in.
· Election of city council by districts
· Practical procedures to remove unethical officials and void duplicate elections
· Checks and balances on our elected officials
· Fedewa is opposed to all stipends for commissioners and will donate any she receives.
Board of Education At Large
Deborah E. Davis:
· Create clean, safe and healthy learning environments.
· Implement creative and innovative curricula.
· Develop plans for closed buildings to become assets to the community.
Marie Thornton: She is very approachable and likeable and tell it like it is.
Vote NO on Proposal S Bond Proposal for Detroit Public Schools.
Vote Yes on Proposal D, council by districts: Although this will be reviewed by the newly elected Charter Commission, give it a yes vote to make sure your voice is heard on this matter. If you are not for council by districts by all means vote no on this proposal.
Honorable Mentions: Not sold on them yet but could make very good officials if voted into office.
City Council
Gary Brown: Never thought I would say this but here goes. I’m not big on Brown at all but he does sounds like he knows what he is talking about and he cares for Detroit, he would make a fine addition to city hall. “If you want someone who can provide strong leadership, accountability and transparency in city government, then Gary is your candidate.”
Fred Elliott Hall: He has real business since about the city and would make a great city council person. Can you say underdog? “Small Business Growth and Development: Detroit needs more companies and individuals to build and maintain businesses in the city. Red tape and lack of resources often slow the process of getting from concept to completion—meaning fewer jobs and less opportunity for our citizens.”
April C. Archer: "Your New Council Woman!"
Charter Commission
Olumba-John Olumba: Not big on terms limits, but will listen to your concerns and add them to charter discussions.
John R. Eddings:
Reggie Reg Davis:
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